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  • September 2019 Fed Update: Market Insights

    Rates & Recession: What Happened? Last Wednesday, The Fed lowered its target for the federal funds rate by a quarter percentage point, to a range of 1.75% to 2%.

  • How to Optimize Your Digital Treasury

    Digital Treasury is the latest trend that’s slated to transform corporate treasury departments — and organizations as a whole.

  • FASB Proposed Guidance for LIBOR to SOFR Transition

    As a follow up to FASB’s June initiative to provide accounting relief to organizations that will need to modify their contracts as LIBOR is replaced by SOFR, FASB released a proposed Accounting Standards Update on Thursday.

  • What is Digital Treasury?

    Technology adoption in treasury is moving at a lightning pace. Treasurers view legacy processes such as printing checks, aggregating prior day cash balances and gathering manual foreign currency exposures as (soon to be) things of the past. Much like technology has become an integral part of our personal lives, the landscape for Treasurers is evolving […]

  • How to Forecast Balance Sheet Exposures

    In order to mitigate foreign currency gains and losses, companies routinely hedge away currency risk associated with balance sheet exposures. Companies need to identify all monetary accounts on the balance sheet and aggregate the foreign amounts in those accounts.

  • How to Gather Balance Sheet Exposures

    Balance Sheet Exposures  Balance sheet exposures are the drivers of the FX Gains and Losses that impact earnings every month. They are monetary accounts like cash, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inter-company balances and more that are denominated in foreign currencies, so their values fluctuate and they are reported as gains/losses on a company’s financials. The […]

  • Understanding Balance Sheet Exposures

    A majority of corporations identify and hedge balance sheet exposures. In fact, they are the most commonly hedged exposures by far. In order to do so, one must understand why balance sheet exposures pose a risk in the first place and how to identify which types of balances qualify as “balance sheet” exposures. Definition A […]

  • Currency Exposures and Common Hedge Types

    Currency movements affect internationally operating companies in many different ways. For example, when a U.S.-based firm sells goods and services in a foreign currency, their USD cash results fluctuate in relation to that foreign currency. When they consolidate foreign subsidiaries’ financials for reporting purposes, currency changes again impact their USD results. And when forward looking […]

  • LIBOR Transition: Regulatory Guidance for Hedge Accountants

    As the London Inter-bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) begins to phase out, many corporate treasurers have been flooded by a wave of uncertainty. Our advice has been to proactively start planning alternatives by looking out for the guidance and term structures released by accounting regulatory bodies.

  • Commodity Hedging Basics

    This course covers the basic principles of hedge accounting for commodity price risk under ASC 815. [button2 link=”” target=”_blank”]Register to Attend[/button2] [line2] [accordion_title] Click Here for Event Details [/accordion_title] [accordion_content] Course Description: Participants will be prepared to: Focus on the general requirements required to achieve hedge accounting under ASC 815 Learn the benefits of hedge accounting […]

  • Restoring Economic Integrity When Hedging Non-Economic Accounting Risk

    Motivational speaker Brian Tracy said: “Incorrect assumptions lie at the root of every failure. Have the courage to test your assumption”. Testing your assumptions is exactly what we plan to do.  

  • Goodbye, LIBOR: Finding the New Normal

    At this point, LIBOR’s phasing out by Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) may be old news. Although the topic has been a constant presence in headlines, there’s still lingering questions about what this means and what organizations should do in its wake.

  • FASB Issues Narrow-Scope Improvements to Financial Instruments Standards

    In August 2017, the Financial Accounting Standards Board released ASU No. 2017-12, accounting guidance designed to better align a hedge program with an organization’s risk management objectives as reflected on financial statements. While the goal of these changes was to make hedging a more attractive option for corporations and financial institutions, stakeholders have brought up […]

  • Hedge Trackers Comments on Canadian Producers Hedging Oil

    Reuters – “Canadian, Brazilian oil producers lock in revenues as prices rally: sources”

  • Banking in the UK: Navigating the Mass Exodus

    The uncertainty of Brexit accompanied by the phasing out of LIBOR has turned the financial services industry in Europe on its head. As organizations take precautions amidst the uncertainty, it has become evident that the number one financial hub in the world has begun to fall from its pedestal. Until concrete decisions are finalized, the […]