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  • A Voice for Corporates: The AFP LIBOR Task Force

    David Bowman with the Federal Reserve Board has asked the Association for Finance Professionals (AFP) to be the voice of Corporate Treasury in terms of addressing LIBOR for the Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC) as part of the Coordination Subgroup.

  • Interest Rate Reform and Implications on Foreign Currency Derivatives

    What’s the Issue? Britain is ending support of the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) on or about 2021. US regulators currently plan to replace LIBOR with the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) curve. The pending “Illiquid LIBOR Market” and related lack of transparency will render valuations of LIBOR priced instruments troublesome.

  • November 2019 Update: Your LIBOR Questions Answered

    LIBOR has been referred to as the plumbing buried in many financial contracts, and the end of LIBOR will cause a seismic shift in the financial markets.

  • Hedge Trackers Prepares Clients for Interest Rate Reform & SOFR Transition

    If you use Hedge Trackers’ Outsourcing and/or Software suite (Capella) services, you might be wondering what’s going to happen when interest rate reform occurs and SOFR replaces LIBOR in early 2021.

  • FASB Proposed Guidance for LIBOR to SOFR Transition

    As a follow up to FASB’s June initiative to provide accounting relief to organizations that will need to modify their contracts as LIBOR is replaced by SOFR, FASB released a proposed Accounting Standards Update on Thursday.

  • LIBOR Transition: Regulatory Guidance for Hedge Accountants

    As the London Inter-bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) begins to phase out, many corporate treasurers have been flooded by a wave of uncertainty. Our advice has been to proactively start planning alternatives by looking out for the guidance and term structures released by accounting regulatory bodies.