Q: What do you believe are your key strengths?
A: My strengths are maintaining a positive attitude and keeping things in perspective. I’m really motivated to help other people and I enjoy making things better and more efficient for others.
Q: How do you keep track of the things you need to do?
A: Salesforce is invaluable to me. Most of my work is done at the month-end or quarter-end, and when my client entries are due, Salesforce gives me the times, dates, and contacts that I need. I rely on the Outlook calendar for all my meetings. For day-to-day tasks, I can’t go wrong with a notebook and a pen. It’s totally old school and it never fails me.
Q: What makes you happy in a job?
A: Flexibility, feeling like I have a purpose, and working with other people are all very important to me. I’m a people person and interacting with others is incredibly fulfilling. Microsoft Teams calls are great to keep us connected as remote workers.
Q: Why do you feel you have work/life balance? Do you have any tips/tricks for others to improve their work/life balance?
A: Hedge Trackers has always been designed around flexibility. You can work when it’s convenient for you, as long as you’re getting the work done. My advice to others to improve their work/life balance is to schedule in your fun. Schedule that lunch date with someone. Your job shouldn’t be your life.
Q: Think about a good manager you’ve had. What did they do that made them a good manager?
A: I had an amazing manager who was available and responsive. She asked me to do hard things but was always there for support. That’s how I grew out of my comfort zone. She let me struggle and figure it out, but I knew she always had my back.
Q: What do you like about the work environment or culture here?
A: I am on a fantastic team. We are spread across the country, but we are so tight-knit and always helping one another. There will always be someone there to answer a question or help cover someone’s workload. I feel so supported by everyone.
Q: Who are some of your biggest inspirations at GTreasury?
A: Helen Kane, the founder of Hedge Trackers. 23 years ago, she had a vision and took a risk by employing stay at home moms remotely, which was unheard of back then. She allowed you the flexibility to learn and grow in your career, but also raise your kids and be there for their important events. I have so much respect for Helen and what she did. She’s impacted so many people’s lives.
Q: How have you grown professionally at GTreasury?
A: I’m not afraid to try hard things. When I started this job, I was completely overwhelmed. Now, thanks to my amazing colleagues, I’m helping other people! I always feel so supported and I want to be that person for others. My time management and organizational skills have also improved due to the nature of the job – things are due when they’re due! You need to organize your days to make that happen.
Q: What’s the best advice you can give to someone who just started their career?
A: Don’t take a job for the money. Don’t build a career around that. It’s what you spend most of your time doing, and if you’re miserable, the money doesn’t matter. Know your strengths and find a job that plays to those strengths.
Q: What’s something you are passionate about outside of the workplace?
A: Making a difference in someone else’s life. I mentor young moms and teenage girls. My husband and I have also acted as mentors to young married couples. In the last 17 years, I have walked through some really tough times. I want to take those experiences, along with the wisdom I’ve gathered over the years, and help someone else. You never know what people are going through, and I want to offer them a ray of sunshine, encouragement, and hope.
Q: What do you believe are your key strengths?
A: My strengths are maintaining a positive attitude and keeping things in perspective. I’m really motivated to help other people and I enjoy making things better and more efficient for others.
Q: How do you keep track of the things you need to do?
A: Salesforce is invaluable to me. Most of my work is done at the month-end or quarter-end, and when my client entries are due, Salesforce gives me the times, dates, and contacts that I need. I rely on the Outlook calendar for all my meetings. For day-to-day tasks, I can’t go wrong with a notebook and a pen. It’s totally old school and it never fails me.
Q: What makes you happy in a job?
A: Flexibility, feeling like I have a purpose, and working with other people are all very important to me. I’m a people person and interacting with others is incredibly fulfilling. Microsoft Teams calls are great to keep us connected as remote workers.
Q: Why do you feel you have work/life balance? Do you have any tips/tricks for others to improve their work/life balance?
A: Hedge Trackers has always been designed around flexibility. You can work when it’s convenient for you, as long as you’re getting the work done. My advice to others to improve their work/life balance is to schedule in your fun. Schedule that lunch date with someone. Your job shouldn’t be your life.
Q: Think about a good manager you’ve had. What did they do that made them a good manager?
A: I had an amazing manager who was available and responsive. She asked me to do hard things but was always there for support. That’s how I grew out of my comfort zone. She let me struggle and figure it out, but I knew she always had my back.
Q: What do you like about the work environment or culture here?
A: I am on a fantastic team. We are spread across the country, but we are so tight-knit and always helping one another. There will always be someone there to answer a question or help cover someone’s workload. I feel so supported by everyone.
Q: Who are some of your biggest inspirations at GTreasury?
A: Helen Kane, the founder of Hedge Trackers. 23 years ago, she had a vision and took a risk by employing stay at home moms remotely, which was unheard of back then. She allowed you the flexibility to learn and grow in your career, but also raise your kids and be there for their important events. I have so much respect for Helen and what she did. She’s impacted so many people’s lives.
Q: How have you grown professionally at GTreasury?
A: I’m not afraid to try hard things. When I started this job, I was completely overwhelmed. Now, thanks to my amazing colleagues, I’m helping other people! I always feel so supported and I want to be that person for others. My time management and organizational skills have also improved due to the nature of the job – things are due when they’re due! You need to organize your days to make that happen.
Q: What’s the best advice you can give to someone who just started their career?
A: Don’t take a job for the money. Don’t build a career around that. It’s what you spend most of your time doing, and if you’re miserable, the money doesn’t matter. Know your strengths and find a job that plays to those strengths.
Q: What’s something you are passionate about outside of the workplace?
A: Making a difference in someone else’s life. I mentor young moms and teenage girls. My husband and I have also acted as mentors to young married couples. In the last 17 years, I have walked through some really tough times. I want to take those experiences, along with the wisdom I’ve gathered over the years, and help someone else. You never know what people are going through, and I want to offer them a ray of sunshine, encouragement, and hope.
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