CHICAGO – July 1, 2020 – GTreasury, a treasury and risk management system provider, today announced particularly successful execution against its four 2020 strategic pillars, including deeper integrations of its cash management and risk analytics solutions, growing innovation around AI and its expanding partner ecosystem, trackable customer success metrics, and financial performance.
“We’ve seen strong progress, both financially and operationally, at GTreasury throughout the first half of 2020,” said Renaat Ver Eecke, CEO of GTreasury. “We have crossed a major milestone for the company. Our execution in Q2 enabled us to achieve consistent and long-term profitability starting this quarter. We consider this an affirmation of our expanded and more integrated risk management and treasury platform, as well as our commitment to ensuring customer success.”
GTreasury has four key strategic pillars in 2020:
Integrated treasury and risk management system: GTreasury has finalized the product integration from its acquisition of Visual Risk. This fulfills the vision of a seamless combination of cash management software and risk analytics, to now provide a single source of truth for all of treasury’s data. Doing so empowers companies with the quick business insights necessary to make informed cashflow decisions. It has never been more important for finance, risk and treasury professionals to be able to understand where their company stands from a cash and risk perspective. Companies using GTreasury have all of the data, reports, and dashboards they need to make better decisions and act accordingly.
Growing innovation and expanding its ecosystem: With the integration of Visual Risk complete, GTreasury is accelerating its innovation across a number of areas:
Committed to service excellence: In Q2 during the COVID-19 crisis, GTreasury’s net promotor score (NPS) for customer support was +80, a full 50 points above longstanding industry averages for SaaS companies. In that same period, GTreasury had more than 50 clients, globally, going live with their deployment projects – the highest number for any given quarter.
Strong financial performance: GTreasury customers executed the highest transaction volume in the company’s history during the first half of 2020, helping lead to GTreasury profitability in Q2. GTreasury expects profitability to continue, as the year has seen a record number of renewed contracts and expanded deployments.
For more than 30 years, GTreasury has delivered the leading digital Treasury and Risk Management System (TRMS) to corporate treasurers across industries. With its continually innovating Software-as-a-Service platform, GTreasury provides customers with a single source of truth for all their cash, payments, and risk activities. The TRMS solution offers any combination of Cash Management, Payments, Financial Instruments, Risk Management, Accounting, Banking, and Hedge Accounting – seamlessly integrated, on-demand worldwide and fully secured. Headquartered in Chicago with offices serving EMEA (London) and APAC (Sydney and Manila), GTreasury’s global community includes more than 750 customers and 30+ industries reaching 160+ countries worldwide.
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