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Cash Positioning

Take greater control of your cash and liquidity

Confidently make informed decisions with organizational impact based on cash positions that can be easily built from real-time transactional data and pulled from multiple internal and external sources.

Key features:

  • Manage short- and long-term cash and liquidity with interactive screens
  • Slice-and-dice cash positions with user-defined views and drill-down capabilities
  • Isolate, combine and analyze cash information to visualize different scenarios
  • Define unlimited fields for arranging, sorting, and consolidating data

  • Generate and view cash positions for multiple accounts, individually or in aggregate
  • Set user controls for individuals to access only the information they need
  • Enter data manually or via an automated feed from any source, internal or external

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Increase productivity

GTreasury eliminates the need to manually login and download bank statements, freeing up time to focus on, even more strategic initiatives. Our automated connectivity framework enables your organization to connect to any financial institution or third party for real-time access and visibility into your cash positions. As a result, you can create customized schedules to access and distribute information across your organization.

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Gain global cash visibility

Achieve strategic insight into cash/liquidity trends and availability across all entities. GTreasury’s worksheets capture and categorize all cash flows, enabling you to view your balances at a macro level or drill down to the most granular detail within a single transaction.

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Leverage business intelligence

GTreasury’s business intelligence capabilities provide you with a variety of reporting capabilities based on your requirements. As a result, you can create a detailed view for day-to-day cash management or generate custom reports and dynamic dashboards to give you a visually dynamic snapshot of your liquidity.

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Enable seamless data flow

GTreasury’s proprietary Worksheets are the backbone of the solution, allowing for the seamless data flow between the Payments, Financial Instruments, and Accounting solutions. They also provide a comprehensive view of your organization’s financial position. For example:

  • Signaling recommended transfers when there is an excess or deficit balance
  • Forecasting with actual/estimate variance tracking
  • Monitoring current debt associated to draws on credit facilities

We desired a system which will automate our cash management in a cloud-supported application. Our decision to move was made simple with GTreasury. GTreasury provides an intuitive user interface, along with automated interfaces with our banks and our ERP system, thereby, eliminating almost all of our manual activity.

Dave Meyer

Senior Business Analyst

Want more details about Cash Positioning within the GTreasury platform?

Download this comprehensive overview today.


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