Hedge Trackers’ Helen Kane Comments on New Hedge Reporting Standards in Compliance Week Article
The Financial Accounting Standards Board enacted new rules for derivatives and hedging to take effect at the start of 2019. The new standards eliminate many of the obstacles companies face when trying to implement hedge accounting programs.
GTreasury Awarded Best Digital Technology in Treasury Management
GTreasury was recognized by Global Finance magazine for its modern SaaS treasury management system (TMS) with a 2019 award for Best Application/Use of Digital Technologies in Treasury Management. GTreasury offers a single solution for integrated cash management and risk management capabilities.
GTreasury Awarded Best Customer Experience in Treasury Technology
GTreasury won Best Customer Experience in the 2018 Awards for Innovation and Excellence, hosted in London last week by Treasury Management International (TMI) magazine. The award recognizes GTreasury’s superior customer service and the usability of its single SaaS solution for treasury and risk management.
GTreasury Build On Growth with New CEO, Renaat Ver Eecke
GTreasury has opened the New Year, after a record-breaking 2018, with the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer, Renaat Ver Eecke. With Orazio Pater, founder and former CEO of GTreasury retiring to assume his new post as Executive Chairman of the Board.
GTreasury to Build on Growth with New CEO
GTreasury opened the New Year with a record-breaking 2018 and the appointment of a new Chief Executive Officer, Renaat Ver Eecke. Orazio Pater, founder and former CEO of the innovative, SaaS treasury management systems provider, retired to assume his new post as Executive Chairman of the Board.
Hedge Trackers Donates over $11,000 to Families, Victims of Paradise, Ca. Camp Fire
Hedge Trackers, a premier provider of hedge program and risk management solutions for foreign currency, interest rate and commodity risk, has raised over $11,000 to support the families and community of Paradise, California who were victims of a camp fire in Butte County.
Assessing the Impact of the Fed’s Interest Rate End Game
Step-by-step scenario planning enables treasury to prepare corporate credit facilities for future movement in rates.
Surviving Regulatory Compliance with Technology & Support
Treasuries globally are being pressured by the increasing demands of regulatory compliance. Domestic and international organizations are responding to a broad range of new and changing regulatory requirements, which if not met, will result in a number of adverse consequences, including poor audit reports, negative publicity, and severe financial penalties.
Connectivity: Right Here, Right Now
Enhanced connectivity is an essential part of the ecosystem touching every part of today’s corporate treasury
Using ‘At Risk’ Analytics to Meet FX Volatility Challenges
FX risk management has supplanted cash visibility as the number one priority for increasing numbers of UK corporate treasurers. This is a consequence of today’s complex political and economic environment, in which FX volatility has become a major threat to the protection of profits, earnings and investments.
Why Modern Treasury Technology Matters
Why does modern treasury technology matter? On this episode of the podcast, Strategic Treasurer’s Managing Partner, Craig Jeffery, and GTreasury’s Chief Product and Technology Officer, Alok Tyagi, discuss some of the largest challenges facing today’s digital treasury professional. Listen in as they evaluate how technology is being leveraged to address these obstacles and learn of some ongoing innovations that will impact both the future use of these systems as well as future workflow realities for treasury operations.
Clients Go Live on GTreasury’s Integrated Treasury & Risk Solution
GTreasury, in April 2018, acquired the Sydney-based Visual Risk, provider of the region’s leading risk management solution, which like GTreasury, was built on the Microsoft technology stack. GTreasury now offers any combination of Cash Management, Payments, Financial Instruments, Accounting, Banking, Risk Management, and Hedge Accounting in one SaaS solution.
First Clients Go Live on GTreasury’s Single Solution for Treasury and Risk Management
The first corporate treasury clients to use both cash and risk capabilities on GTreasury’s new single SaaS solution for treasury and risk management are now live, GTreasury announced today at the annual conference of the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP), taking place in GTreasury’s headquarter city, Chicago.
GTreasury Hires Chief Revenue Officer Kirk Dauksavage
GTreasury announced today that it has hired financial technology and C-suite veteran Kirk Dauksavage to drive sales globally as its Chief Revenue Officer. GTreasury provides software-as-a-service (SaaS) for integrated treasury and risk management to corporations in the North America, EMEA and APAC regions.
US Corporate Funding: Future Shock
It’s been a good year for most US corporates, as the economy continues to power ahead and they enjoy the largesse of the president’s corporate tax cuts. But there are red flags on the horizon.